The Effective Command Behavioural Marking Tool

The Effective Command Behavioural Marking Tool is unique and integral to all assessments carried out by the K Lamb Associates. Many Fire Services that currently subscribe, including those that utilise the tool in Incident Command and Fire Control arenas, have the benefit of accessing up to date, accurate and verified data. In addition, as part of the subscription, users get an annual visit from KLA during which National and Local data trends are discussed, this helps inform future incident command or Fire Control training interventions. This year alone we have either already visited or are scheduled to visit, Cambridgeshire Fire, Norfolk Fire and South Yorkshire Fire. 

Buckinghamshire Fire engaged KLA to deliver our 2-day SFJ-Command Support Operatives Course (CCS). Very well attended, the delegates received a blend of knowledge input and practical exercises to consolidate the important learning.  

One of KLA’s Strategic Associates visited Oxfordshire Fire to deliver our Strategic Commander Incident Command Refresher Input. This is in preparation for OFRS upcoming SFJ-EC-ICL4 (Tactical) Revalidation Assessment Day. Delegates will be challenged dealing with a bespoke scenario set against their service area risks, supported by their own CS Team and functional officers, very authentic. 

A KLA delivery team also visited West Yorkshire Fire for their bi-annual SFJ-EC-ICL4(Tactical) Revalidation Assessments. The entire team of WYFRS Strategic Commanders faced complex scenarios challenging their command skills. With an ever-decreasing number of naturally occurring significant incidents it’s more important than ever that quality training and structured assessments are carried out by services. 

Similarly in Lincolnshire Fire KLA delivered another day of SFJ-EC-ICL3 Revalidation Assessments. Our delivery team found the whole day engaging with delegates and support teams alike maximising the learning from the day. 

Finally, Devon & Somerset FRS hosted the last in the series of Continuous Professional Development days. Strategic Command Trainer Joe Hassell, in partnership with KLA, spent the day taking the last group of commanders through a challenging scenario with a blend of input and decision-making exercises. Feedback has again been very positive from this service. 

“Thoroughly recommend KLA Associates for Level 2 & Level 3 ICS CPD training.” Nigel Alford. 

“Joe is very knowledgeable and had a lot of experience to bring to the sessions. He was very inclusive, recognised the different levels of knowledge in the room and actively encouraged participation.” 

 Katherine Lamb is interested if you a Strategic Leader in your service keen on consolidating or development of your strategic command knowledge? If you would like to know more about the wide range of Incident Command products that KLA deliver, please visit our website and get in touch to speak to one of our team. 


Revalidation of Incident Command at a Strategic Level 


We bring the training to you